The Quest for Royal Love is an interactive story made with Bitsy. Two women are in love; one is the princess of an established kingdom, while the other is an adventurer. The adventurer is thrown in jail when seen by the guards for a mysterious reason. The adventurer plots her escape and quest to reunite with the love of her life.

Controls: WASD to move (Desktop), or swipe in the direction to move, while holding in the direction after swiping moves faster (Mobile). Walk into objects to interact with them.

Dev Notes: This is my entry for the Bitsy Secret Santa event. This game was made for FreckledFemme, and the themes were:

  • Lesbian
  • Adventure
  • Fantasy

After hearing what the themes were, I was very excited to be able to make a game like this. I had some plans on making games with these themes, so this was a great opportunity to try it out. There are some stealth mechanics in here, trying to push the Bitsy medium with this kind of gameplay. I also included some references to the Bitsy community in here. I hope all of you enjoyed it!


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onions.... huh *squinty eyes* ha ha

this is great!!! the mechanic killed me like 5 times tho >.<;; but it is a neat mechanic :D this was a neat game :3


Wow, thank you so much! I love it. Between the stealth mechanics and the easy and loving way the pair talks about each other, I just can't get enough!!!


aaaaaah this is so wonderful!!! i love the "four paces away" mechanic, that's so clever and unique!!!!